Trip to 6 places in 2 days by Lufthi Kautsar

Day 1:
In the first day,I and my father went to TMII.We visited Central Java,Yogyakarta,and Bali Pavillion.The first place is Central Java Pavillion.In Central Java pavillion,there are Borobudur Temple replica and Mendut temple replica.There is Agung Plaza in the first palce.The second place is Yogyakarta pavillion.In Yogyakarta pavillion,there are Prambanan temple replica,Joglo traditional house,and many replica of places in Yogyakarta.The last Pavillion is Bali.In Bali Pavillion,there are gate of Bentar temple,Traditional house of Bali,and Rangki hall.

Day 2:

In the second,I and my father went to Batik museum.In the museum,there are many batik like Solo batik,Jogja batik,and Pekalongan batik.Then,I study to making batik.First,I make the sketch of the batik.Then,I start to batik with canting.After that,I wait until it dry.Then,I brought my handcrafted batik.The second place is Fatahillah museum.In that museum,there are many historical things like Jayakarta sword and his bed.The third place is Planetarium.In Planetarium,there are picture about galaxy,stars,and planets.There is a audiorama of the planets,stars,and many aircraft things.

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